Book Review
The dramatic start, as Arianna Huffington shares the details of her collapse in 2007, gives context for why Thrive reminds us to look at our well-being and to balance our lives.

Book Review
Exhausted to Energized
Energy is vital to our health, happiness and success. Yet, as working mothers, so often it’s easy to pass off feeling tired as normal as we strive to balance work, children, and relationships.

Book Review
The Moment of Lift
Melinda Gates tells powerful stories based on her years of travel as part of her philanthropic endeavours as co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as her personal experiences including being the only female in the first class of MBAs hired by Microsoft in the 1980s

Book Review
Women Leading
Christine Nixon and Amanda Sinclair share their personal experiences in this book, which, refreshingly, provided inspiration for women leading, together with sensible leadership advice that would suit anyone.

Book Review
How Women Rise
Based on their experience as leadership consultants and trainers the authors have identified that, in their opinions, women face specific and different roadblocks to men as they advance their careers.

Book Review
Relatable and easy to read, this book offers a peek into life in the White House. Michelle shared many personal experiences including fertility battles and her balance between fulfilling what she was capable of (being a lawyer) and doing what she cared passionately about (public service).

Book Review
Alive At Work: The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do
I had the amazing opportunity to attend a lecture by Dan Cable at London Business School this year with EO. Reading this book was like attending Dan’s class, just without his captivating speaking presence. You can watch Dan talking at TEDx here.

Book Review
The Awakened Woman
Ever wondered who Oprah’s all-time favourite guest was? This is just one of Dr Tererai Trent’s claims to fame. Dr Trent is an internationally-acclaimed voice for women’s empowerment and education.

Book Review
Rushing Woman’s Syndrome
Dr Libby Weaver takes us through the biochemical impact of rushing and the toll it takes on our health across a range of perspectives including physical, hormonal, emotional, and mental.

Book Review
Dare to Lead
From a business and a personal perspective I found this book to be inspiring; a great reminder that leadership isn’t about titles or power but accountability for realising the potential in others.

Book Review
Woman Kind: Unlocking the Power of Women Supporting Women
This well researched book shares experiences surrounding Kirsten’s #CelebratingWomen campaign in 2017, together with a call to find our voices.

Book Review
The Mother of All Jobs – How to have children and a career and stay sane(ish)
This book includes interviews with working mothers in the UK who share rich details of what they wish they had known or prepared for before having babies, returning to work, managing single parenting, teens and life’s changes and challenges.